This is not a typical writer's blog where I, the writer, agonize over every misspelling, comma, or dangling modifier. As a reader, you will see the down and dirty, unedited and uncensored material that is known as a first draft. Either in the form of a short story, an epic novel, or just plain out of brain craziness; it will be a journey worth embarking on.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Writing Tip That Surprised Me.


Some of the best writing tips are the simplest. This one may be too simple with the potential to have a considerable impact on your writing. It would be nice to say that I crafted this tip, but that would be a lie. I came across another YouTube vlogger, Ben Hatfield, who posted about, “How to write a better first draft faster with one simple writing hack.” Most likely he did not come up with this writing tip either, but I am glad he shared it. YouTube algorithms must be getting better. There are aggregating better recommendations that I am interested in. I will share his video below, so you want to watch his full explanation and to put it into practice in your own work.

The essence of the video is to help you with the tougher sections of your writing projects. For example, you are writing a scene, and the descriptions are bogging down your progress of writing. He suggests writing TK where the areas need work that are slowing you down, then move on to what you want to write next. So, if you are having trouble describing the location of the scene, you should type descriptiontk.  When you are ready to go back and fill in the spots that you need to tackle. You simply search for TK and all the areas that you need to work on are easily found. I would like to make a small change to his tip. I would add a dash before the TK. This will make the section you need to work on easily seen.

What makes this powerful is that you can use it in so many ways. Let’s say that you have subplots, and you want to track them within your novel. You could use subplot1-tk wherever you sprinkle your subplot clues. As you write, it may be best to be proactive to create a list of all your TK place markers to remember them all. Like protagonist-tk, chapter2warscene-tk, betterdialog-tk and so on.

Now how simple is that. I would highly recommend watching Ben’s video. It is less than seven minutes long. Let me know if you think this will be helpful. As always, happy writing.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Posting something awesome.

Yesterday I saw this on a teacher's desk and wanted to know where I could find the coffee mug. Kudos to the teacher.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

You gotta Laugh…


You may or may not have heard the old saying, “you gotta laugh, it’s better than the alternative.” It is not used much anymore, meaning it is better to laugh than to cry. We all have our trials where we have the option to wallow in the moments of pain or get back up and dust off our pants.

This has been an extraordinary year since my last birthday. The reason I say it like that is because I’ve just had my birthday. I turned fifty-six. For me, it is easier to capsulate what has or has not been accomplished each year, where you can compare year after year seeing the averaged results. This has been one of my better years in some time. It has also been the most painful. As I mentioned in a previous post, I passed a major examination so that I could continue working at my current job. To put it into context, a lot of my co-workers did not pass the test and had to leave. It took me four tries until I passed. The last one would have been my last chance if I had not passed.  Stress abounded and by the grace of God, I passed. That has been mostly the upside to this year other than helping raise my daughter.

On the other side of the proverbial coin, I have suffered a tremendous number of medical setbacks this year. Beginning with my blood pressure skyrocketing. My doctor was able to resolve it. From there I accidentally fractured several bones in my right foot. Although that was painful, it cannot compare to my recent accident where I subluxated my right collarbone from the sternum. To my amazement the doctor said that he could not do anything. I will leave out the gory details. So, another setback.

What am I trying to say here. For me, it is better to laugh than to cry. I have had a lot of turmoil in my life. Too much in a lifetime. You get to the point when you realize crying, which can be helpful sometime, doesn’t work for me much any longer. The reason that I laugh, morbid as it may seem, is a better coping mechanism to help me get back up and dust off my pants.

My apologies that this post is not about writing so much than my life experiences. To be fair, I would rather you know the reason why I have not been writing. This way you are not left in the dark. So, let’s leave it on a positive note. Although I am still recovering, plans are being made for a writing regimen. With the work test out of the way I can better concentrate on projects to come.

What projects do you ask? I need to complete the short story “The Stupid Plan”. From there I need to flesh out the mid-grade time travel storyline. At least creating the beats. I am thinking about using Milanote, as from the previous post in the planning stages of the novel. We will see how it goes, and I will keep you posted.

Laughing Photo by Stormy All on Unsplash