This is not a typical writer's blog where I, the writer, agonize over every misspelling, comma, or dangling modifier. As a reader, you will see the down and dirty, unedited and uncensored material that is known as a first draft. Either in the form of a short story, an epic novel, or just plain out of brain craziness; it will be a journey worth embarking on.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Trinity To Authorship

It has been some time since I last posted. As for most writers, life gets in the way: work, school, friends, lame excuses, obligations, tv, eating, taking a shower, are just a few on a never ending list of legitimate reasons for not writing. I would like to add one more to the list that might sound counterintuitive, but it still keeps you away from real writing. Over posting, yep, over posting can take on many forms that can outgrow a blog. It has the capability to ever so slightly spread into multiple social networks. I can’t point fingers without also pointing one at myself for doing the same. Guilty I am, as Yoda might say. This takes energy and time away from real writing that should be put to use in a novel or screenplay.

To become an author you must “read” and “write”. Every well known novelist has preached these two rules since humanity has picked up a stick to convey a story. However simple the two step golden rules are, they lack one key ingredient, “focus”. Without focus you won’t have the organizational skills or perseverance to complete the task.

The main reason I created “Bad Grammar. . . Good Stories” is to show my struggles. I've never felt confident in the skill sets that an author needs to have. This blog is an out let. I can outwardly show my blunders without caution and could possibly have a good heartfelt laugh or two. Okay, probably more than two. Narrative should be the sole drive not the editorial mechanics of preciseness. Only with time and practice will I become an acceptable author. These are my intentions.

With the newly crafted trinity to authorship in place: “ thou shalt read volumes”, “thou shalt write and rewrite”, and “thou shalt stay focused” I’m off to crafting some new blundering stories.

I will keep you posted. Wait that's a really bad pun on myself, oh well.

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